PM1610 / -01 / A / A-01Professional personal dosimeter for measuring continuous and pulse X-Ray and Gamma Radiation in the energy range 20 keV – 10 MeV. The dosimeters are recommended to protect professionals, who work with or around X-ray or gamma radioactive materials. The possible use areas include but not limited to: hospitals, mines, customs officers, nuclear stations personnel etc.
From Jan 2013 only grey color is available in stoc |
PM1703GNMPersonal Radiation Detector (PRD) PM1703GNM is a highly sensitive device which is used to search for nuclear and radioactive materials and to measure dose and dose rate of gamma radiation. PM1703GNM allows to detect and locate both gamma and neutron radiation sources.
The modern gamma-neutron detector PM1703GNM can be used even by non-technical personnel. Ease of use and sensitivity make this instrument irreplaceable tool for police and for other specialists of emergency services, customs and border patrol. No special knowledge in radiation is required. |